A day on the streets with my new 'big sister'

A few weeks ago I met this woman on the street near my home. She is only as tall as my shoulder but has a personality the size of a small city. She has kind of adopted me and has asked me to call her jiejie (big sister) I believe her real name is Mei, but as that also means little sister I cannot know for sure. I now call her Jie, she seems happy with that! She was an absolute star when I was in hospital and check on me regularly, ensuring that I knew what was happening and hat I had food. She also, with the aid of a teacher from my school, helped me back to my apartment and texted me regularly to check that I was ok! I don't know much about her, other that she was once a doctor specialising in bowels, and that everyone seems to know her. She is a real 'salt of the earth' person, and often hangs out with the poor fruit sellers on the street near her house, I love these people too! The only downside is that she is a dialect speaker and I s...