Julile, my special friend and some special presents!

Ever since I have been on WeChat, I have had friends in China.  Most have been good friends and one or two I have met.  One of my best friends and, an the only one who has come to meet me is Julie from Guangdong province.  She has been a real star, and we have shared many things.  When I first came here she visited me, and she was my parcel guide, directing the postmen how and when to deliver my parcels.  This Christmas, without fail she was a star again.  I have more or less ignored Christmas this year s it is really not celebrated here.  But Julie sent me a present, or rather some presents!  Firstly I got a lovely diary.
A really useful piece of kit as I am forever spilling tea on the random notes on my table!  Further to that, a nd a good while ago, she sent me some lovely badges with crossed Union Jack and Chinese flag.  I have given these on special occasions.  I recently asked her where she managed to buy them as I cannot find any.  She sent me a link.  Not only a link but she sent me ten new badges!  She really is a star!  I wish she lived closer and we could meet occasionally, but her home is right on the south coast,  which is many many hours away by fast train.  I hope to visit her in the Winter break, and have still to travel alone in the Chinese travel network...another adventure waiting!
The badges that Julie sent me.


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