Last trip to the hospital.

On Friday I went to he hospital to have my dressings changed.  I brought some chocolate for the doctors and nurses and noticed that the flowers that Dan had given me, and I had then given them, had been neatly arranged.  Excellent!

The flowers and a nurse holding one of the chocolates I gave to the staff.  Ferrero Rocher look alikes
I waited around for a while and chatted Nurses and the doctor eventually arrived.  We went to heroom off the main reception and he prepared to change the dressings.
The doctor preparing the dressing changes.

Prepared and ready for the new dressings.  The yellow colouring is from the antiseptic that they use here.
Dressed and ready to go home.
After the dressing was completed, I said goodbye and went home.  I dint have to retuirn again so I took a selfie with he doctor before I left.
The doctor and me!
The nusrign staff form my shift several years ago.  Their uniform is Pink.


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