Everybody comes to see me! (hospital day two)

I woke up on Sunday morning...goal one achieved!  The deputy principal had slept on the bed beside me and was still there in the morning! 

Everyone curious about the foreigner
The first to relieve that watch was Tom and his niece.  They took over from the Deputy Principal who disappeared only to return shortly afterwards!

 Then the leaders arrived.  It was like a parade.  The Principal and the Deputy Principal, The department leaders and the movers and shakers.  Impressive!  The first and last time I had seen the Principal was at a meal with a friend.  We were introduced by name and I was told he was a teacher.  I asked did he teach at my school.  He smiled and walked on.  My friends explained to me later!  Well, how was I to know.   One of the Heads of Department or movers and shakers had also made me some rice porridge and some chicken soup.  She was busily running around taking photos!  I was honoured!  Then came a parade of English teachers.  It seems that the order had gone out and everyone obeyed.  The fruit mountain had started!   Oranges, bananas, apples and a basket of more exotic fruit!  *That should keep me regular! Oh, and the boxes of milk!  Walnut milk, and a variety of other special milks along with a box of smoothies*!

The fruit mountain begins to take shape...
More fruit under the table....but I had to move this to make ways for the milk and smoothies.
Cups, tissues and bean porridge on the table. Under the table is Milk, on the floor is smoothies, walnut milk and more milk!
One of the first to arrive was Lana.  She is a lovely young woman who came here to be with her boyfriend.  He is a gym instructor.  I met her in the teachers' canteen.  She was sitting on her own as she did not know anyone.  We got talking and now often share dinner together.  She is from Chengdu ( the home of the pandas ...hence the hat) and is keen on learning English.  She 'lives' in a freezing cold office 'beneath the stairs' of the main outdoor stage of the school.  It is a huge office with several doors that do not reach the floor and a window that does not close.  Very very cold.  I don't think she is very rich, but she is very thoughtful.  She brought some paper, cups, some plastic cups, some napkins, a sensible amount of fruit and porridge, a small china spoon and bowl and numerous other small useful object.  All this and her grandfather had died that day.  She made time for me.  How lovely!
Me communication on WeChat with Lana in the panda hat!
Sherrie was teh person who had been with me in the hospital from the start.  She has proved to be a really consistent and helpful friend.  She has helped me in so many ways.  Both her and her husband Star have been wonderful. 

Me wondering what the drip was doing, Sherrie, and Lana in the background
Me sitting up in bed, complete with oxygen tube up my hooter with Sherrie right. (not sure what I am doing here!  But it looks pink and was apparently funny .....not a euphemism!)
More people began to arrive.  I noticed Charles*.  He has constantly been around in the background since I arrived.  He is a strange sort of guy but has had a six month study time in England and knows the problems faced by foreigners.  He was in Brighton, which I imagine would have been quite a culture shock for a guy born and bred in Jiangkou!  He said he nearly starved to death because he just couldn't stomach the food in the UK.  Apparently he was there throughout the operation and entered theater at the end to tell me everything was successful.  I have absolutely no recollection of that, but apparently I acknowledged him and we talked!

Sherrie, Star, Ray (the Foreign Affairs Officer ..probably) and Charles*
 As expected, Wan Yi arrived.  A small guy but strong as an ox, and given half a chance is life and soul of the party!
On the left Wan Yi.  Second to left is Kevin ex- head of Senior three year, now a class teacher in senior one, class one.
Then the leaders came and other staff members to.  Paying respect to their foreigner and no doubt under orders to do so form the principal!  There was the Principal, who when I first met him asked if he was a teacher!  I had not met him before and he had not been introduced to me! The meeting was at a meal.  My friends put me right son afterwards!  Two vice- principals were there, including the one who had slept in the bed beside me on the first night, and various other 'movers and shakers' one of whom had cooked me some porridge and chicken soup! 

In the early afternoon Kevin returned with some students from his class.  They work ten hours a day, seven days a week and get four hours off on a Sunday.  They had given up time for me!  Wonderful.  We had a god chat!  The guy in the front of the picture being the best speaker.
Senior 1 class one students.
We had a good chat, then after a short while another of my friends arrived.  I don't even know her name.  I call her Red which I think is her Chinese name.  I met her once in the park and she made a strange dance video with me.  She seems to like doing that sort of thing.  Her husband is something to do with the courts in Guiyang.  He also makes videos with her!  The kids looked a bit embarrassed and the boy started to look hungry.  They left and I chatted with Red.  She is really down to earth but again a dialect speaker so we communicate through Mandarin sometimes and at other time WeChat.  She was keen to find out what I wanted to eat.  (Doctor said to eat fruit until the first bowel movement.)  I explained this to her and then asked if all was working tomorrow, whether she could bring some fried rice.  I love the simple stuff!  She promised that she would.  Finally everyone left.  I had enjoyed their company, but I needed some sleep.  I am glad I slept, because the evening proved to be very lively!
Well the evening arrived.  First to arrive where Sherrie and Star.  We talked briefly.  Then Wan Yi arrived with two friends and things started to warm up.  It was all in dialect, so I dint have a clue, but I laughed along with most of it.  Wan Yi was telling tall tales and doing gymnastics and generally keeping everyone amused.  Then Dan arrived with a big bunch of flowers and the evening took off. Dan is the first link between Sherrie and my friend in Beijing.  She works in a bank and is always very busy, but we have had a few good evenings together chatting or eating.  Dan brought me a huge bunch of flowers, and as the evening progressed ordered in a lovely 'posh fruit' platter that went down really well!
left to right Sherrie and start, Dan id front of one of Wan Yi's friends, another of Wan Yi's freinds and Wan Yi.
The party carried on and Wan Yi started to teach Dan some Aerobics.  It was great fun!  Then everyone went home.  A really special day.  So many nice people!  Not unsurprisingly I went to sleep shortly afterwards!


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