Disharged! (hospital day four)

Last night, no one slept in my room with me!  Bliss!  I was woken by, yes you guessed it, time for another drip.   I asked to go to the loo first.  Wise decision!  I was placed on the drip and left alone.
Soon afterwards Charles arrived with some porridge.  He left fairly quickly as he had to teach lessons.  Apparently he had heard that I may be discharged that day.  Excellent!
Soon afterwards Jiejie arrived and took control of things!  She determined that I neded a blood pressure check, one last drip (thank god) and a change of dressings.  Then I could go.  She told me that she would return shortly and help me back to my flat.
Blood pressure was taken.  Drip was given.  Dressing were changed, and both Jiejie and Charles were there. 
Jiejie and Charles
I had pre-packed most of my stuff the night before and was ready to go.  Charles to told me to stay by my bed and both he and Jiejie went downstairs carrying my fruit mountain.  Jiejie stayed downstairs and Charles returned to collect the rest of my gear.  I did a quick room check....luckily I did!  I found my appendix in the bedside drawer!  I guess someone must have told me it was there when I was still under anaesthetic.  I popped it in my bag.  I gave the flowers that Dan had brought to the nurses, and headed down, with Charles carrying just about everything.  Walking was a bit uncomfortable but I was looking forward to getting home.  Jiejie hailed a taxi and we were off.  We arrived shortly afterwards and Charles told me to go to the flat.  Then between them Jiejie and |Charles carried all of my stuff up and helped me sort myself out.  They left.  I unpacked and went to sleep!  It was a fairly quiet day after that!


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