Random ...Jiangkou back streets at night.

Because I have not found much to do in Jiangkou, I often wander the streets in the early evening. Everything is a small restaurant or hotel! Here are a few pictures. Sorry, they are not particularly good and a few are out of focus! People often look surprised to see a foreigner, but I never feel unsafe. In three months I have only seen one argument. The usual drunken 'let-me-at-him-walk-away-let-me-at-him' argument you see in the UK, chest out, chin up, with friends keeping people apart! Even they were out of towners whose bus had a flat tyre! Unsurprisingly no kung fu was offered by either party! That's for the movies or a town other than Jiangkou where, much to my surprise, Tae Kwan Do from Korea is the 'go to' martial art, at least for the younger generation! More or less the same in England, and like in England it owes its success to its marketing rather than its form.