....and the day ended with a communal massage!

Well, when I got the message of "to all: tonight 10pm BBQ and beers donstairs confirm hotel please"  I woud neve have imagined that I'd be getting a communal massage at 1.00am in the morning whilst watching a Jackie Chan horror tyoe film and eating watermelon, but I was.  Let me explain.

It all started with a message from Wendy at about 8 pm.

" have you eaten Mike?"


"Where are you?"

" In the hotel"

" Ok Ill be over soon with some food"

"To my hotel?"


"I’m room 8248 or do you want to meet me in the lobby?"

"Stay there I'll be there soon, I'’ll bring my student!"

Half an hour later there was a knock on the door.  It was Wendy and Taylor, her student An and a bag of assorted food!  An is a thirteen-year-old boy.  So, taking everything in my stride, I invited them in.  They set out the table for me and waited until I had eaten.

Then An was placed in front of me and was told to speak English.  We had a conversation; he was quite good.  After a while Wendy suggested we go for a walk, so we did.  We wandered down the street and back up again.  We passed a big building, the lights were on and there was a woman in uniform standing in the reception area.  Wendy said " You like massage don't you Mike".  We went into the building and looked around.  Wendy spoke to the assistant.  We went upstairs and took a look around and came puot again. Then we saw the other English teachers at the local barbeque.  We discussed a while and then went to join them.
Teachers and organisers from the course
We sat there for a couple of hours eating the tiny bits of meat on sticks that they call barbecue.  We chatted and took photos and people gradually started to leave.  Wendy came over...
"Do you fancy a massage?"
"Erm yes..."
"Ok let me and Taylor and An and you and James go....ok?"
"Eerm ok...."

Not sure what I was letting myself in for here, but I had been told that communal massages were very normal in China; still I was not quite sure what to expect!  Long story short, we eventually settled in a room; Taylor, An, James, me and Wendy.   

 The ‘waiters’ brought in some drinks.  They then bought in the massage clothes.  They had a bit of trouble finding stuff in my size, but we eventually got sorted.  Wendy went off to the bathroom to change.  James was looking really odd.  I asked him what was up.  He said that he was not happy having a massage with a thirteen-year-old boy in the room and started to mention safeguarding.  I told him that if he was uncomfortable then he could leave.  He thought for a moment and then left.  Wendy returned and asked where James was.  I explained.  She seemed puzzled, communal massage is very normal in China and families go…apparently.  I have to admit that I was right on the edge of my comfort zone, but I know Wendy well enough to trust her.  Eventually the ‘technicians’ came in.  Taylor’s technician was a young guy  dressed in a white doctor-style coat with a haircut that would not have looked out of place in the Rocky horror Picture Show!  Wendy’s technician was a more mature woman dressed in blue ‘scrubs’.  Mine was a woman dressed in a short skirt and a ‘air stewardess style’ shirt. Mmmm.
So they started with our feet and worked the rest of the body.  It was one of those ‘hurty’ massages they do in China.  Everything, well almost everything, was pulled squeezed or elbowed into shape.  It hurt, often.  It all finished, and I must have fallen asleep!  It was now half-past one in the morning.  I woke up and was given some noodles!  I ate them and we left.  Me back to my hotel and Wendy, An and Tatyor back to theirs.  Sometimes days in China are weird.  This was one of them!  i eventually got to bed at 1.45 am.  Tomorrow is looking like it could be a challenge!


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