The wrong eggs and a new market.

I went to the supermarket the other day to buy some stuff.  For a change, I thought I'd buy some duck eggs.  I got it wrong.  On the outside they looked like duck eggs, but on the inside, it was a different story!

The pictures show you what I got!  I have had these before, and wasn't too keen on them then.  They are quite sticky and chewy and have a definite ammonia taste!  However, as I'd bought them I'd better eat them!
The 'new' market
It is spring break in Jiangkou and the place is heaving, just like Christmas in the UK.  However, most of the trade seems to be concentrated on the food markets rather than the main shopping street.  Food shops are putting up tents outside their shops to store their stock, which mainly seem to consist of can of tea, each shop seems to have a couple of hundred boxes of it! And amongst all of this, Jiangkou us changing...rapidly.  Today I followed a new road which a few months ago was waste ground and now is an unopened main road with oart-conoleted housing housing on both sides.  It took me to the old area if town. I walked down a few old streets past a slaughtering table and into the old market.
There were a few girls preparing fowl
I walked on and entered the market Street.  It was very very busy, but I managed to see a new area, an indoor area, so I went to investigate.  It was the live animal area.  I'll let the pictures speak for theselves.  All the animals in the buckets, bowls, boxes and cages were alive.
I headed back out to the street market.  Just about anything from an animal was hanging up on sale.  Lungs, stomach, heart , veins to name but a few.
Eventually I left the market and headed back to town.  As I reached the other end of town I noticed that the new around about had just had a delivery of bricks.  Maybe they are making it a more permanent feature!


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