I had been working hard and decided ti was time to play, so I went ot the park. I was sitting on teh wall chatting with a teacher in both mandarin and chinglish wehn a message came on my phone from Susan. Susan is one of my newer friends, her husband is the Police Surgeon. She asked me if I was in the park. I told her I was. She said come and find me, and sent a video. I worked out where seh was and we eventually met up. We taked a while and went for a walk still talking. We stopped on the bridge and chatted about school.
Me and Susan first attempt at the selfie |
e and Susan second attempt at the selfie |
After a brief chat she said she was going walking and her freinds would soone meet her. We walked out of town. She kept picking things up and asking what they were and telling me the Chinese name for them. I kept forgetting, she kept reminding! Evetnually we turned around, headed back into town adn met her freinds Yao and Maomei. Yao was a maths teacher, and I dont know what maomei's job was.
left to right: Yao, Maomei and |Susan all eating eerm this jelly stuff whose name I have forgotten! It is a swett watery base with lumps of jelly and sesame seeds. Best served cold. Very tasty! |
We walked into the park and sat down. There was a big discussion. Susan asked if I fancied a day out on Saturday, but it would cost about 500 yuan (roughly £50). I did fancy a day out but didnt fancy paying tat sort of money. especially as I beluieve that it was to an ethnic village, and I really dont like that sort of thing! We discusssed furhter and it was decided that we would not go. I felt a little awkward, but everyone seemed ok with my decision. Eventually after listening to a bit of music, Susan and her freinds left to go home. I hung around a while and eventually made my way home.
Maomei, me and yao at tehe park. |
As usual I met a few people on the way home, Miranda and a boy from Tongren number one school who wanted to improve his English. No photos and sat down for a small snack at a street food car. went home.
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