Passion wagen, Maserati and crayfish.

This holiday has been a bit quiet compared to many.  Not so much contact with friends and Sherika just wants to stay at home.  Anyway it was dinner time (lunch)  I texted Susan and asked if she had eaten.  She had.  So I went alone.  I was passing woodshop amn's shop when it suddenly dawned on me that I could invite him.  I snook into his shop an d surprised him!  He was even more surprised when I asked him out to lunch.  Surprised and embarrassed.  He insisted that I was the guest in his country and that he should be paying!  Stalemate.  We sat down and drank tea.  Shortly afterwards two of his friends arrived then another.  The last to arrive I will call blingking.  He had the look of new money about him.  He was very interested in me. We all drunk tea for a while.  Then a conversation happened between Woodshop man and blingking.  It was about me and food.  Blinking jumped up and said "Come!" and he and woodshopman wandered off.  I followed.  We went outside to his van.  Looked pretty normal from the outside.  A big camper van style thing.
Wood shop man at the door of blingking's van.  It looks pretty much like a normal van from the outside

...but inside it was a 'passion wagen'!  Leather chairs, music system, TV etc etc etc.  a really smart car.  We just drove around the corner, had some lunch and drove back: it was lovely.  We had a few more cups of tea and I got an offer of a free evening meal from blingking.  Little did I know that offer would happen later that same day.  After tea I went home, rested and slept.
I wok up and decided to go to the park.  I got there at about 6:20.  Nothing much happening at hte par.  People were away or at home as its  Golden Week.  I wandered a round a littel , sat on teh wall and then headed into town to eat.  After half an hour or so I returned to the park and hung around with the musicians.  Most of them know me now.  I was asked to perform my party piece and did so accordinly.
I then got a text from blingking.  Time for supper.  I'd just eaten but he was keen.   end me your location, Ill pick you up in the Maserati!  Surely a mistranslation?  Anyhow aout twenty minutes later he found me sitting with some students in the park and off we went ot his Maerati!
Blingking and his Maserati.
Bilngking at the wheel of his Maserati.
He took great pride in showing me his sporting driving licence and did a few fast turns of speed to demonstrate his skills!  Nothing too dangerous!  He was loking for a restaurant, but I was so full already!
Eventually he found a restaurant.  The crayfish restaurant I had been to with Sherrie a few nights ago.  He arived at teh restaurant and acted like he owned it.  He was not unpleasant but certainly teling people what to do and they did what he said.  We sat down and he ordered some beers.  I told him that I did not drink, and he got me some coke.  Others started arriving and sat with us.
The restaurant as we arrived
Me and blingking taken on his blingphone
blingking right telling the boss what he wanted to order.

Left to right: Teacher husband of Dr woman far right, blibngking's wife, blingking's wife's friend, blingking's daughter, doctor lady friend and blingking.

blingking's wife with two crayfish
 I was hoping this would only Be a snack as I was full.  That was not to be.  two huge plates of crayfish arrived.  Now I am not keen on crayfish at the best of times and cant be bothered to pick the shells off them, was given a plate, gloves and a bowl.  I started.  I ate too many.  Side dishes arrived.  They were very difficult to eat, but I managed to stomach them, and just when I though it was all over, out came some more crayfish!  I couldn't and made my excuses.  Just then another man came over and rested his hand on my shoulder.  I asked him if he was a teacher.  He was.  Everyone laughed.  Turns out he was the brincipal of my school!  I may have seen him once but never been introduced!  Ah! well.
Suddenly blingking looked at me and indicated that it was time to empty my glass (of coke)  down in one.  "Time to go!" he announced and we went off to his car and went on a whirlwind trip back to may apartment.  I could have done wit ha walk, but he wanted me to go in the car.  He dropped me off at the apartment and said he's be in touch.  I struggled up the stairs and collapsed onto the sofa.
I couldn't sleep.  Too much food inside me!  I got a few phone calls, one from James, things are not too well with him, and another from Angela, things are pretty rough for her at the moment.  Then time to sleep.  Another soft moment leading g to and adventure of a day!


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