A visit to the dormitories (female)

Today something happened that I had been wanting to happen for a long time.  I got to visit the dormitories!  I preferred  to see the male dormitories, but I got to see the female ones!  It all started this morning when the dorms were empty because the residents were all playing sports.
As we were all lined up and waiting to go to the stadium, Charles, a Chinese teacher who can speak quite good English, introduced me to Mr. Tang.  He's in charge of the dormitories.  i asked could he arrange a visit and he said he could.  Little did I know that later that day  I'd be visiting a dorm!
After the official opening ceremony, the teachers were dismissed.   I met Charles and he met Mr. Tang. He asked via Charles when I would like to visit.  I told him and they had a long discussion.  I am guessing here but I think they decided that as the girl's dorm would be tidier than the boys dorm ,then they would take me there.  Sherika was nearby and decided to come along too.  When we got to the dorms, Mr. Tang showed us the " This is what we expect the dorms to be like photos." on a a board outside the dorms.  He also showed us a chart.  A system that ranked each dorm on its tidiness!  I wasn't expecting that!  However, after having been shown the " This is what we expect the dorms to be like photos."  I was expecting something pretty grim.  I was pleasantly surprised. 

 "The girl's dorm from outside"

 "Girls dorm from the inside"

It was ten to a room but the rooms were clean and had tiled floors with a working space for six pupils and limited storage.  The girls had made the room look good.  Some had erected small 'tents'  over their beds either for privacy, mosquito defense or both.  There was a small balcony for each room that was used for shoe storage and drying and storage of clothes, and one toilet/washbasin in a room set off from the main room.  The dorms did not have any electric sockets in he rooms.  I was told that this was for fire-safety reasons.  Each floor also had a toilet block and a shower room.  The toilet blocks had a place for wash bowls.  The toilet bloc was as to be expected in China.  The showers were communal and had ten individual showers with a pre-room for hanging clothes etc.  They were fit for purpose, but very basic.  The dorms consisted of several blocks each housing five hundred students.  They were fitted with external lights and (very loud) speakers for morning roll call and other management messages, and had a fairly pleasant inner courtyard complete with a few trees.  On the whole, not too bad, but no real privacy except in your bed, and only then if you had erected a 'tent' over it!  However, personal privacy is not really a 'thing' over here!


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