Strange Chinese Characters

United Kingdom

The good old Union Jack.  Who would ever thought it could be seen in quite a different light!

 It's nickname in China is 'The rice symbol flag" which in Chinese chracters is米字旗 which in pinyin (without the appropriate accents) is written as Miziqi.  Why 'rice symbol flag'?  Because the |Chinese symbol for rice is 米.  Speaks for itself really!


This time it is not about the flag, but a stereotype.  The word for tipsy in Chinese is 醉醺醺, which in pinyin (without the appropriate accents) is written as zuixunxun.  Strangely it also seems to mean Scottish!  No idea where that comes from!


  The Chinese character for Austria is 奥, which in pinyin (without the appropriate accents) is written as Ao.   It also means difficult to understand and is also an abbreviation for the Olympics.

 Where we be if we weren't slagging of Australia!  The slang name for Australia in Chinese is 土澳, which in pinyin (without the appropriate accents) is written as Tu Ao.  It means a  backwater.


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