A day out to Tongren with Parklady and friend, and a meeting with an angel....part 2

So far I was a little bemused about what had happened.  Things were about to get a little more strange.  First there was the show, ,and secondly there was the meeting with the angel.
The Show.
The stage had been built, the speakers tested: VERY loud.  The lion was ready, the 'celebrity' table was packed with 'celebrities' and the show began.  The lion pranced around and was given red envelopes.  (Red envelopes usually contain money.)  It then jumped off the stage and climbed a pole and took some gifts.

The inside of the lion
The 'lion' at the top of the pole. Quite impressive!
There were various singers and dancers, not of who I gather were well known figures locally.

The local celebrities

Te local 'celebrities' and the 'lion'.

Then camethe weird part.  A Chinese guy of about my age, clothes from his twenties and hair braided like a Jamaican.  First came the rubber glove.  He stretched it over his head, but it broke.  He had a spare.  Over his head, blew it up with his nose til it popped.  People cheered lime they had never seen it before. It was a kind of standard party trick when I was young except we used a durex.  The one we all carried 'just in case, but that usually expired before it got used!  Then out came the power drill. Brrrr Brrrr, he revved it up!  The red cloth, attached to the drill bit for effect, span as he revved the drill.  He invited a celebrity to the stage, gave him the drill and hot him to push it against his belly.  The crowd cheered.  No blood, I was disappointed! Haha.  Then he pushed it against his throat.  The crowd cheered!  Them against his head!  Wow!  This man Must have been made is steel... or perhaps just bullsh*t.  Then out cam the metal bowl!  He stuck it to his belly with air pressure, and attached a chain to it.  Amazing!  No one could pull it off his belly. 

The 'man of steel' partially hidden by the celebrity in purple.  The celebrity in white holds the chain which was attached to the bowl.

Can't say I was much impressed!  Anyway he whipped the crowd into a frenzy...well mild excitement.  Then he jumped off the stage and made his way to a Range Rover that had just arrived.  Someone tried to attach his chain the the car and failed. The car drove off and reversed back.  This time someone managed to attach his chain to it.  He whipped the crowd up again, pulled In the chain and,  apparently, pulled the car with the chain which was attached to the bowl that was stuck to his belly. The crowd were happy.  We went back to the seats and watched some singers and dancers,
then went inside for a meal.
Back inside the building, the meal was no the right.
The baijiu was flowing freely! but there was a coconut alternative!
 Eventually it was time to go home.  We drove around Tongren for a while whilst parklady picked up some medicine, then headed home.  An interesting day!


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