One night I went to the park and was watching the singing. I didn't join in because the it is getting close to the 70th celebrations in China and the 30th celebrations of the 'opening up' of China. People are getting paatriotic and the songs are getting difficult. Pepole are really passionate about China, and there is always a queue of those who wish to show their passion and who can also sing. I was sitting in the midst of this when a young girl sat beside me. She had found a foreigner and she was so excited! We talked a bit. She kept running off to her dad who was sat nearby. We chatted in a mix of Chinese and English but had to resort to some Google translate. I remembered I had a euro coin in my pocket. I gave it to her. She smiled and refused it, I gave it to her again, she looked so excited. She ran over to her dad. I went to sit by them and talked to dad, again in amixture of Chinese and English and Google translate. He turned out to be a teacher and a year head form another school. He invited me to visit. I told him that, due to working directives, he would have to arrange that with the Deputy at my school. He agreed. I told him that he must be so proud to have such a nice daughter. He smiled and agreed. We said goodbye and both headed off home.
The enthusiastic little girl |
The enthusiastic little girl, me and her dad the teacher! |
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