School starts again, snake in my bag.

School started again.  This term my workload has almost doubled.  Last year it was a very lucky nine lessons a week and a few English clubs.  This term is is 16 lessons and probably a few English clubs
It is still within my contractual hours, but it would really have been nice if someone had actually discussed, mentioned or even told me about this.  It is not a problem but doubling the workload is worth mentioning.  But it is China....they don't do things that way.  Anyhow, this year I teach senior year one.  In this school there are three year groups.  senior one, senior two and senior three.  Its kind of equivalent of a three year 'sixth form'.  Pupils are aged approximately 17 -19 yrs old.   Senior one are the young ones.  I enjoy teaching in the school because the pupils are just so nice!  So it was time to get out the pegs and do lesson one!

Two of the lower ability 'pegged' students.

Me and one of the students who was pegged.  Pegs now least from the student
a 'pegged' student

me and a pegged student

another pegged student

We playing with playing cards and numbers and and then 'peggy'.  I put names of body parts, clothing etc. on wooden clothes pegs.  Someone draws one from a hat and has to peg the peg to what is written on it.  The kids love it...especially the body parts!  Today one of my lessons was a little hectic and the first time I have had to shout at a class of students.  I was away from my prop bag for a while.  When I returned someone had managed to sneak a rubber snake into it!  I picked out, smiled and acknowledged it and put it on the desk.  Excellent!


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