I have discovered, eventually!, that when it is this hot and humid, that I need to change my daily routine. Up early, to the park, breakfast, home, nap, work a bit, then go to the park in the evening. That was today's plan, but when I got to the park my back was bad, so I didn't join in the dancing. As I was sitting down on a sort of plinth, this older guy walks past and says "hello!" I said "hello!". he walked over to the dancing as if to start and then came back to me. He said "Chi fan, chi fan" and made the appropriate gesture. He was inviting me to breakfast. So off we trotted at a fair pace. He was called Mu. He took me to a small street restaurant and asked me what noodles I would like. I picked my favourite and shortly afterwards had a bowl of them in front of me. We sat down and ate. His language was almost impossible for me to understand and vice-versa. He complimented me on my ability to use chopsticks, but he finished much earlier than me. He got up, indicated that he was going and showed that he had paid for me. I was left eating my noodles. I took a photo of him but it seems not to have appeared on my phone! Mystery man! Below are a few pictures of the area In which I was. It is a market area and I had not been here at this time in the morning before.
The little restaurant |
My noodles, complete with fried egg. How did he know that I wanted on of those? |
The other guys at the table |
My view from the table.This area was really vibrant. I'd not been here before. This is what it looks like. |
The fish seller, more details below. |
In the red bowl there was a mixture of live, dead and dying fish. The machine behind her appeared to be pumping air into the water, probably helping to keep alive those fish in the bowl that weren't already dead. The fish in the boxes were packed with a bit of ice. She is gutting the fish with a pair of scissors. Blade into the mouth snip down the belly and guts in the plastic box by her feet. |
Apparently there is no retirement for the poorer section of society. |
It seems to be chilli harvest at the moment. Lots of people grow them and then dry them on the pavement outside their houses. |
Looking up the market street from the main road |
Various types of Tofu here...probably other stuff too! |
Some folks look so poor and desolate. |
The market was a mixture of old and new. Mainly old poorer people selling but expensive cars with young drivers passing by. A land of contrasts. On my way out of the market are, I stopped an bought some yobaobao and after a funny discussion of how much they were, I bought three for a yuan. At the last stall the guy called me over. I noticed he had a new thing. I asked him what it was. He said something like "Lomi". I bought one. It was like a big flat deep fried bread thing. Then I noticed he soya milk and bought one of those too. I had had far too much breakfast, but I was happy! I'll be going to that area again!
The deep fried flat bread thing that was called something that sounded like "lomi"! It tasted good! |
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