More fun on the streets and a lovely flower.

After a hard day of work preparing for a conference, it was time to get osme fresh air.  I went for a walk, the opposite way to usual, down teh street opposite my flat.  There were people in the street repairing long metal apex roof sectioins with firbreglass, an few broked cars gradually being stripped by a garage for parts.  The nxt part of the street had what appeard to be the usual 'aunts' dancing, with an older lady with platted blond hair.  I waved, she smiled.  I caarried on walking ans spoke to a few others.   I rounded the corner and went to the few small shops near where I work.  There was a buch of 'aunts' geting ready to do their square dancing.

'Gannnies' getting ready to dance.
Instead of just walking past, I went over and talked to the woamn in green.  I asked if they were going to dance.  She asked me to join in when they started!  Meanwhile some kids joned me and started trying to talk to me. 

two of the kids...more arrived afterwards!

Gradually a small 'crowd' arrived and one of the kids appeard with a set of red plastic stools and we started talknig in a mixture of languages and actions!  Someone saw me writing on my phone and again produced a piece of paper and started writing on Chinese.  They seem to think that I must be able to understand writing.  I do understand a limited number of Chinese cahracters if they are printed, but handwriten I've no chance!
Anyway, the evening moved on and the mosquitos came and circled me.  Time to go.  As I got up one of the littel girls offered me her had drawn picture of a was really moving. 

the flower

The kids and the flower picture.  The one in the striped tee-shirt was the one who gave me the flower.
I accepted, but had nothing to offere in return, all my trinkets have been already given away!  Another boy offered me a packet of biscuits.  Again I accepted.  He reached for my phone and typed a few words in |Chinese.  I pressed translate "Will you come back again?". "Of course I will!  I live in Jiangkou".  Such wonderful expereinces!


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