What could possibly go wrong!

Well as you've probably gatehred by now, China is different to England, and as for Health and Safety, well in China it just does not seem to exist...or a least not to the same extent as in England.  Here follow a few "What could possibly go wrong?" examples.

slightly blurred but four 56lb bags of produce on one tiny scooter.  I thought it was goping to get wheeled home, bu no, she sat astride the top sack and drove off dond the road!  I wasnt quick enough to get pictures of her departure!

Brakes not working? Well stick a couple of stoned under the wheels.

Umbrella on a motorbike plus five bottles of butane.  Safe as houses!
 A three wheeleer with a load twice as high as the truck.  Piece of string will fix that.
 A huge crane loaded onto the back of a lorry, maybe several 'tens of tons'

Hand tied with some freyed rope and where the rop passes over a sharp edge, a carefully squashed 'pop bottle' to prevent the metal cutting the rope!  Sorry its a bit out of focus.  And below, andother overhang, surely nothing to worry about there..what's the worst that could happen?

This one kind of speaks for itself!

Other examples too numerous to photograph or list... but you get the general idea!


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