Trip weekend trip to Tongren/Guiyang - part 7

The journey home
Tongren and Jiangkou are about 40 miuntes apart by car, the same by bus.  However busses stop running early and the only alternative is Didi, a kind of Uber, so called because didi means both little brother and the sound of a car horn!  Didis are easy to get peak time. Sunday night is not peak time.  Bu meng had an answer.  She had a freind who was on a conference in Tongren who was about to leave for Jiangkou. So she said goodbye and put me in a normal taxi and it headed off to the Hotel where her freind had been running banking training course.  We met and she drove me to Jiangkou.  On the way she asked if I had eaten evening meal.  I hadn't so she said she would treat me in return for me speaking english with her.  So off we popped.  My first chinese barbecue!  Here is Dan at thebarbecue.
Al sorts of interesting things to cook, plus whilst the order was being prepared, Dan went off to get a watermelon from a stall at the side of the road. So half a watermelon each eaten with a spoon!  Perfect!
After the meal she drove me home.  It was a late night and I had to stay up even later becasue I had not prepared lessons for the next week!  But I'm not complaining!


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