The weekend trip to Tongren/Guiyang - part 2

On Friday I had arranged to meet Meng at 11.30 outside the bank in which she works, but before that I had to check my salary.  It hadn't been paid.  If it wasn't paid, then I couldn't afford to stay over Saturday night.  I then spent an hour trying to get my agent to sort it out, only to face the usual barrage of half-truths and misinformation.  Eventually, after an hour,  I persuaded her to advance me some of the salary and decided to stay on in Tongren.  I met Meng, and it was a happy reunion.  She took me for a cup of coffee, and we net her friend for lunch.

Meng and freind (again I cant remember names)
Some of what we were eating...there was lots more and it tasted good!
Real good, good company!
During the course of the meal, she said she had a trip planned to go to Guiyang to take in some music.  She asked did a want to go.  Of course! In the meantime, another young woman called Angela contacted me and invited me out to a KTV bar.  Karaoke in a private room with freinds, food and your own private toilet!  Stange but nice!
So that evening I went out with Meng to her haunts, drank coffe and chatted, and afterwards when it was my usual bedtime, Meng went home and I met up with Angels for some KTV.  A ver busy Friday!


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