The weekend trip to Tongren and Ghuiyang - part 6

The next day, before we went left,  the hotle staff presented each of us with a pais of metal chopsticks and spoon!  A lovely little gifts!

The gift from the hotel
Me and the receptionist who present us with the little gifts.

Meng and a bodhisattva

Me and a bodhisattva

Part of the temple

Meng burning insence

a cheeky monkey, who rather unsurprisingly later stole some fruit off a visitor,

Monkey in a tree
a monk who fancied his had at art...incidentaly he didn't charge or request any money.  Perhaps a glance at the finished product may indicate why!
...after this Meng took me for a meal and to a fantastic bookshop.  The meal was a hotpot.  Basically raw products that you cooked yourself in boiling liqiuds of various desrciptions...a knid of a fondu without cheese or oil.  We cooked some very interesting things...aprts of animals tht I have dont usually eat!
 After that we got on the train back to Tongren North....Tongren North is the end of the line for the bullet train.  But how was I going to get back from tongren to Jiangkou....not an easy task on a Sunday evening, but Meng had the answer!


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