The 'Undertaker' part 1

 Yesterday I was walking home from work ...quite late, as I had been into 'town' with friends for a meal.  I walked past my usual block of shops opposite my house.  I use the word 'shop' as that's the only word I know.

There is quite a variety of 'shops' there ranging from things like restaurants with no customers to garages and metal workers to 'shells' of buildings that contain piles of 'rubbish'.  The 'rubbish' spills out onto the pavement, and is often sorted into piles of 'similar rubbish' presumably for re-cycling, as little three-wheelers come from time to time and take stuff away.  I hope to talk more about these 'shops' in later posts.  Today is the turn of the 'undertaker'.  I have passed this shop maybe some twenty or thirty times and seen a small old guy sitting in front of a machine putting packs of paper under the machine.  The machine then does something to the paper and he takes the paper away and put it in a polystyrene box, this is all he seems to do all day, as he is doing it when I leave for work and he is doing it when I return home.  The only difference is that the box is fuller.  Well today I walked home with Anna.  We stopped to look and he invited us in to sit down on some chairs.  So we went in and sat down, and watched.  He smiled and laughed a bit and we tried to communicate.  We had a little success!  Lovely guy!

The guy at his paper punching machine

The finished product.  Fake 'paper money' which is burned for the dead.


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