This diary page is now complete as I have returned safely to England Due to some weird anomally, I often can't seem to reply to comments people make, but all comments are much appreciated! (Especially the Birkenhead one!) 5th February 2020 Today I woke at 1.30 am. A combination of jet lag and worry and a napping sleep pattern over the last few days. Running round in my mind was the need to get back home before I get stuck here! The need to get home quickly and 'under my employers radar' has made me a little paranoid, and that has transferred to the last leg of my journey: London to Dorchester. In my mind I have not made it home yet...Dorchester, my house, that's home. Not there yet. I'll wear my mask on the home journey for the sake of others. I have been isolated in Jiangkou and display no symptoms. But I care about others too and want to be safe, not sorry. What has surprised me so far, is that no o...
I had finished my work for the conference, I'd been indoors too long, so I went for a walk. I greeted a few friends on the way and walked past the beef noodle bar. Just as I was passing came the now familiar "meiguoren" call. It means American and everyone expects every foreigner to be that. "Bu shi meiguoren shi yinguoren" (I am not American I'm English). A father and mother and their two small sons stopped and stared. I went over and said a few words. They must have been 'out-of-towners' as they understood my Mandarin! They asked if they could take a few photos with their sons. Of course! I asked them if they had eaten. They said they had not. Then there was obviously a misunderstanding and we said goodbye. I think they thought I was trying to cadge a free dinner from them! I wandered back to the noodle shop and ate some noodles and went for a walk. Just as I was passing the Fengqi Hotel, a huge ...
After a hard day of work preparing for a conference, it was time to get osme fresh air. I went for a walk, the opposite way to usual, down teh street opposite my flat. There were people in the street repairing long metal apex roof sectioins with firbreglass, an few broked cars gradually being stripped by a garage for parts. The nxt part of the street had what appeard to be the usual 'aunts' dancing, with an older lady with platted blond hair. I waved, she smiled. I caarried on walking ans spoke to a few others. I rounded the corner and went to the few small shops near where I work. There was a buch of 'aunts' geting ready to do their square dancing. 'Gannnies' getting ready to dance. Instead of just walking past, I went over and talked to the woamn in green. I asked if they were going to dance. She asked me to join in when they started! Meanwhile some kids joned me and started trying to talk to me. two o...
hahaha , it is a street washing car ! :)