A bit of singing and some chicken feet

Today I woke up at 5.oo am.. not on purpose, but these things happen.  So I went to school to have breakfast.  Thin rice noodles, a sort of savoury bun and an egg! 5 yuan.  I then went to the office to eat.  I finished my breakfast and wandered around the school talking to kids as they dis their early morning reading.  Some were studying English, so I read the passages to them.  I suggested that they record what I said as it might help their pronunciation.  They leapt at the offer, but noted that my pronunciation was not like the American that they were used to.
I then went to the music room.  I had discovered this yesterday at the far end of the 'roof'.  I went inside and spoke to a couple of the girls.  They asked if I could play the piano, haha, I said no but played a bad version of chopsticks!  I asked if they could sing..silly question really:

I think you can see that the answer was "Yes!"
When the pupils had gone to class, I went to the supermarket to get rice, soya sauce and vinegar.  I used my Google translate to get the vinegar but found the rest myself.  Then I saw them.  Chicken feet.  In a packet along with other "delicacies".  Well I have seen them as street food, they were in last night's soup, and now they are in the supermarket.  It had to be done.  I bought them.  I just had to try them. I bought this packet because it had a chicken on it.  Some of the others had a cat on them.  Maybe animal food!

When I got home I thought I'd try them.  So I did, and I made a video of it:


  1. Finger Lickin' Good Mike!!

    1. Eerm you could say that, it was also 'face washing good' as I got chilli all over my face and that burned!


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