The first few days in schoool

It is exactly what I expected and more.  So rewarding.  ALL of the kids are genuinely nice and respectful.. They are curious and polite.  In class if you say an English word and point at them they all shout and repeat it, all fifty to sixty of them!  But our (Anna and my) jobs are to make them more autonomous and make them able to take charge of their own learning.  They are so excited that there is an real English teacher here.  I think they also appreciate our more fun-based learning!  We can do this as we don't have the pressure of the Chinese National exams to force-feed the children through!
Here are today's results! ( yes, I did notice the eeerm awkwardly placed peg..only after I looked at the photos!)  Kids are kids are kids!

and a few pictures of the school for good measure! 
View towards the river from the school 'parade ground'

View from the office door
View from the office window.


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