Square dancing, cock fighting and wushu.

After such an interesting start to the day, I met with Anna outside the bank and went into town.  On the way back, I heard it...oh yes!   Chinese Square dance music (A short documentary on Chinese square dancing (opens a new window)).  I’d always wanted to see it for real.  It is a form of dance exercise done by the older Chinese ladies.  Not only have I wanted to see it, as soon as I heard it, I wanted to do it!  There were about 20 people dancing with a few watching, so I was straight in.... you can see the results below....Yes, its me!  I absolutely loved it.  I'll be there again soon. Sorry about the quality of the video (and the dancing!)

On the way back we noticed a crown and went to look for the reason.  It was a cock fight.  Kind of spontaneous, no-one too bothered.  It was interesting watching the small kids trying to get close for a look!  I make no judgement.  I am here to explore a deep and rich culture, and this is a part of it!

A little further down the road we noticed a couple of older folks with swords and an old laptop.  The set up the music and then started their wushu (swordplay).  In ancient times it was a form of practise for battle, now it is an exercise form, but like a dance.  Well, as the old Chinese saying apparently says " Never give a sword to a man who can't dance!"

All that was just one day, along with the usual open-mouthed staring at the two foreigners.  It is not rude, they have just never seen 'one of us' before.  They get all giggly and shy when you stop and talk to them!  And I do, I stop and talk to them and shake the hands of the young kids and smile and chat with the older ones.  It is so rewarding!


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