Starting to get a bit excited!


Well today I started to get a little bit excited.  The place I am going to seems a long way off the beaten track but a really beautiful area.  I have contacts there.  The director of Foreign Students, the teacher liaison officer in the and even my 'teaching buddy' the Russian girl (Uly)Anna  although she is having problems with her internet and is not always easy to contact.
Google seems to know very little about the area and the and Wikipedia only has six lines!  However a little bit of digging seems to reveal a few things.  Unfortunately, many of these are in Chinese only.  For me that is good, it means there are not a lot of 'foreigners'.  I could be the odd one out.  Just like at home except at home, except you cant tell that so easily from my appearance here!  Below are two images of the railway stations at Tongren, the city which administers Jianghou

Tongren South

Tongren Main

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