Another Job interview ..... sort of!

Well, there I was, Wednesday, and ready for a long Friday off work, til I checked my diary!  Dentist at 8 am.  Bummer!  Then the day got more complicated.  'H' sent me an email in response to one I'd  sent her, saying that she could interview me at 8am Friday.  Double bummer!  I emailed her back offering 6.30am or 10am.  We agreed on 6.30 am.  All done and dusted, with a 10am meeting with one of my best friend's 'O', all looked good!  I told 'M'.She suggested I ring the dentist and check my appointment as I'd not got a reminder text.  So I did, and found out immediately why I'd not got a reminder text.  My appointment was on Tuesday 19th!  Treble bummer.  How could I make such a mistake?  "Easy" said 'M' "You're a knob!".  Harsh, but true!

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