Eating Chestnuts at the undertaker's

It had been a tough day at school.  The kids as always were fine, the bosses as usual weren't.  Our old boss who shouldn't be our boss still thinks she is.  Our new boss us never there.  Today I had stayed in school for our prescribed meeting.  No one turned up no one apologised.  In context, last term we had no meetings and no problems.  This term, the problems are with the meetings.  Our boss(es) have failed to turn up for the out of four scheduled meetings with only one notification/apology.  However, after school closed for the holidays we were required to stay back for an important meeting.  We had the meeting.  The main content was two messages.  Sheila was told off for using the story of Jack and the beanstalk because it was against Chinese values of hard work leading to success because Jack stole items, and it had references to murder.  The second item was about our regular meeting.  We were told when it would be.  This is the meeting that none turned up for today.  When I checked my phone, there was a message from our old boss telling us that she required a meeting.  Then after I pointed out that the meeting with our current boss was now and no one was here.  She told us that we could pick when the meeting g was.  Then suddenly changed her mind and told us that she would pick the time.  Then told us that the meeting could be on line.  Then said even that was not necessary.  So our important meeting that required us to stay back after school had closed, had now become a 'not necessary online meeting' .  So I was getting fed up with the nonsense, and after school walked off and through the park on my way home.  There was a big stage...something was happening, well it wasn't finished yet but it looked impressive. (turned out to be a Real Estate event!)
not teh best of pictures to illustrate a point, but all I have!

  Overhead the rain clouds gathered into one big cloud.  A few drops fell, and everyone, except me, ran for cover.  That's the strange thing about the people here.  They work like Trojans outdoors in 40 degree weather at 90 percent humidity, and not even break a sweat.  But given two drops of rain and they're gone!  I just put up my umbrella and carried on as usual but the park was empty now, so I walked off home.  As I got to the last bit of road near my house I noticed the nearly every house/shop had closed it's shutters.  However, the undertakers shop was an exception.  As I passed, I was invited in. . The shop was warm and smelled of mosquito coils, I rally like that smell.  We sat and chatted a while, until some chestnuts were brought in; still warm.  We ate and chatted. 
Eating Chestnuts at eh undertakers
People there seemed to understand me.  I've been before and no one understood me ...maybe they have accepted me and take the time to try and communicate, maybe my Chinese is better!  I looked around the shop.  There were packets of colourful fabric and what looked like 'dolls houses' made of cardboard....Even a cardboard TV! 

the cardboard 'doll's house'

The cardboard 'T.V.'
The shrouds
I asked them what the things were for.  They answered.  I did not understand, but this time instead of the usual "ting budong!" (He doesn't understand) or the usual reaching for phone translations, we managed to communicate a bit.  I think the fabric was shrouds and the 'dolls houses' were either burned or used to house ashes if the deceased.  It was really quite a warm meeting.  I felt like a friend rather than a visitor!  We talked a while more and then I left.  I told them I would brings some chestnuts the next day.  When I got home I cleaned up a the remains if my chestnuts and brought them down for the undertaker.  They were surprised and pleased.  I was happy too.
Meanwhile, I had mentioned to my friend Angela that I was maybe looking to buy a decent camera to enable me to record more than my phone is able.  When I returned home again there was a load of links from Angela.  A lovely end to the day....friends do make a difference!


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