My first Birthday in China

Well the day started as any other, except that it was my birthday.  No one asked so I told no one.  It was a long day with a lots of things happening at work that I wish were not!  Anyway as the day was coming to a close, I spoke to Sherrie.  I mentioned that it was my birthday and she immediately invited me out to a meal, and a western one at that!  I met her and her husband  Star outside the ICBC bank and off we went!  The meal was a bit of a mix and match!  Sherrie ordered half and half Chinese/Western.  I ordered mainly Western, but the steak came with spaghetti!?  Star ate mainly Chinese.  It was a nice time and good food!  I also got a teddy!  Well a lucky pig! ....better picture at the bottom of the page. 

 Star, Sherrie, me and the pig (perhaps the last two could be in the reverse order!)   
At the end of the meal, Sherrie announced that she had also ordered me a cake!  A real Birthday cake!  We left the restaurant, went for a short walk and then to the cake shop. Wow a real cake!!  Her little nephew was there too.  He wanted cake!  However I was very surprised when he actually rejected the cake part of the cake in favour of the fruit!  he loved the fruit!  Now the million dollar question...what did it taste like?  Actually it tasted very good. The main cake was a very light sponge which had been made with little or no sugar.  The cream was lovely but tasted as if it had been made with no milk or sugar, and the fruit was fruity. All in all a thoroughly good cake, but nowhere near as sweet as cakes in the UK.  I liked it and probably ate most of it!  Except for the fruit.....he got a lot of that!

Sherrie's Nephew with the cake.  He waited patiently!....just!
Star, Sherrie, nephew Sherries brother, and me 'shushu' (uncle)

The cake!
Birthday pig! (no Sue that should not be a picture of me!)

My birthday hat.  I wore it home but never read what it said.  I wondered why everyone was wishing me a Happy Birthday!
Nearly home....finally realising that my hat had happy birthday written on it!


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