Yet another free Breakfast, the Lotus field again and another free dinner!

Whilst I was in the park last night, I'd swapped WeChats with a few of the people, including Park Lady.  In the morning, I got a quick message "Have you had breakfast yet?"  I told her I had not.  She asked where I lived and I told her.  She then told me to go downstairs in five minutes as she was taking me to breakfast.  I am getting used to this 'immediate invite' stuff in China, so I got ready and was downstairs in five minutes.  There she was, and true to the invite she took me to breakfast.  She took me for a walk around the back of the shop and showed me how they make their own noodles
We ate, and as soon as I had finshed she got up and said "let's go!" and off we went.  We went to a nearby shopping mall complex.  I say shopping mall complex but really it was like a ghost building half finsihed and quarter occupied.  It is very near my school.  She got out and met her freinds.  They all had umbrellas, or rather parasols.  This could be interesting.  The music started and they did this sort of stepping dance.  I believe she called it Qipao.

I stood and watched for a while then started mimicking from behind the pillar.  Park Lady laughed and went to her bag.  She pulled out an umbrella and gave it to me and told me to dance!  I treid my best!
Well after that, Park Lady said she was going to take me somewhere else!  We went to her car and she took me and her friend to the Lotus Fields.  I've been here before.  It is apopular place for selfies!  So guess what?  Yup! We stopped for photos!
Me and Parklady doing a bit of a weird pose!

Me and Parklady's friend

Just me.

Well after all that, I was ready for a rest.  Park lady dropped me off at my house and I got a late afternoon nap.  Shortly after I awoke, I got a text "Come downstairs ain five minutes...we're going out to dinner with the Jiankou literary elite! "  So I got ready and went down. There she was.  We drove off into town, parked up and went into a back room at a restaurant.  The literary elite of Jiangkou were there...apparently.  They welcomed me, the meal started and all was well. 

However then came the toasts!  Huangjiu, a sort of whisky coloured spirit was no the table.  I tried to avoid it, but was persuaded to take a small plastic 'shot glass'.  Down in one!  Yikes!  It was strong.  Instantly I felt tipsy!  Not a good sign.  Anyway, the meal was soon over, and despite 'my condition' I managed to get home safely, but I had to concentrate a lot more than usual on the way home!  I don't think I'll be polite and accept that again.  Ill stick to my guns and stay tee-total.


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