Town for breakfast
As usual I headed into town for breakfast. I just love the early morning market. I bought a few breakfasty things and then bumped into a few friends. They invited me back to their house and I played with their kids for a while. It was fun and they were fantastic kids.

However I had to go to School because the air-conditioning man was due to fix the office air conditioner. I got to school and all the new year one students were doing military training. I am not sure why but apparently this is what happens every year. I watched for a while. It was hard work for them, marching etc. It was too hot for me and I was just watching, so I went to the office and met the air conditioning guy. It was the usual guy. He fixed it in about five minutes. I turned it to 20 degrees and hung around until I dried out, and in the meantime got on with some school work! Just as I had more or less dried out it began to rain, and it rained heavily. I looked out of the window and saw all the year one 'soldiers' running for cover. Strange how they can manage to train in the heat but not the rain! Anyway, the rain passed and I headed home. I eventually got home about three o'clock. I packed all my things away and headed back into town, the school work had put me in a bad mood! I rang a friend, Sherrie and asked if she fancied dinner. She did. I wandered around town a bit and then got a text from her. 'Did I mind if she brought her husband and her aunt?' . Not quite what I was expecting, because she always complains that her husband Star is working late, but the more the merrier! Now this is where I started to get confused. Her aunt was six years younger than her and was one of the pupils who had graduated from my school. They tied hard to explain this but I lost track! Anyhow we went to dinner.
left to right: Sherrie, Carolyn (Sherrie's Aunt?) and Star, Sherries husband |
Left to right: Me, Carolyn and Sherrie |
The dinner was the usual sort of food for Jiangkou but this time it actually tasted better than usual. I will have to remember the restaurant. After dinner we decided to go for a walk along the river. I reckoned that it looked like it would rain again, but they assured me it wouldn't, but it did! We went off for milk tea. It is quite hard to explain exactly what milk tea is, but it is not tea with milk! We went to her brother's shop, sat at a table and chatted. Sherrie and Carolyn drew a family tree diagram and tried to explain how Carolyn was Sherrie's Aunt although she was younger than her, but I still didn't get it! Whilst we were talking we were also playing with Sherrie's brothers little boy... he was puzzled by my blue eyes! As we were playing I got a text from Seven. She was dancing in the park and did I want to come. As much as I did, I couldn't, because I was with friend's. I invited her to join us when she had finished dancing. After half an hour she turned up with her friend Luna, another ex-pupils from my school. We chatted, drank milk tea and she tried to explain the aunt thing. I still did not understand! Anyway, we eventually parted company and I walked home. Another good day!
Seven trying to explain to me the 'aunt' thing |
LUna, Seven, Me, Sherrie, Star and 'Aunt' Carolyn! |
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