Fanjingshan and Meng - Part 1

Today, actually tomorrow, I am going to the famous UNESCO Heritage site .  Fanjingshan.  A mountain with a monastery at the top.  I am going with Anna, the Russian girl and my Chinese friends sister Meng.  Her home town is Tongren which is maybe forty-five minutes from here.  We are meeting at the hotel we were at the other day.  An early start, we need to be there for 7a.m.  So it's an early night for me!
So I was headed to bed early when my WeChat pinged.  It was Mentioned.  She was coming to meet me tonight!  After a while since got the message. "I'm at your downstairs now". I went down and there she was! 

Me and Meng last night
Almost didn't recognise her, longer hair and she looks like she's lost weight. 

I went to give her a big hug and ended up in that sort if awkward hug you often end up with with Chinese folks who are not used to that much physical contact. (There's even a section English in China section in some textbooks which explains that people often hug in England.. 'parents even hug their children' !). Anyway we went up to mine and she took a look around, we chatted, drank tea and she went back to her hotel.  So lovely to see her looking so well!  NOW it's time for bed!
Today I was up early and got to the restaurant at 7.00am to meet Meng.  She called Pi, and eventually we left for Fanjingshen at about 9a.m.  Pi is driving us there....


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