Where am I now?

So where am I now?  Physically still in the UK.  Mentally somewhere between China and the UK...jobs running through my mind.
Job 1. (T)
Off the beaten track
Decent wage
Years 12 and 13
Just something makes me feel uneasy.
Job 2. (F)
It is where a lot of my friends are.
Modern city
Bad reviews
Here too something makes me feel uneasy.
Job  3. (C)
Nice interview
Honest (I think) people
Public Uni
Old books
Big city although campus not downtown.
Job 3.  (J)
Nice area/campus
Nice interviewer
Interesting teaching
Salary not bad for public Univercity although it is before tax.
Possible English and American studies and STEM !
I am still feeling bitter/angry about the  job that binned me and that shows a bit in the way that I am a bit critical of job offers...Maybe too critical.  I don't want to shoot myself in the foot, but that seems to be where I am targeting at the moment!  Also if I fail here it might be my last chance.

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