Today's Dilema

Job 1. (T)
Today I got a message from 'D' regarding my questions about the contract.  I had sent a few questions about things that were unclear in the contract.  The message goes:
"we prefer that you sign the contract first and the vacancy is Jimmy made for you.   also we dont want you to waste money to authenticate the documents again"
What?  Sign it when I am still unclear about what it means?  China is a strange place!  I don't want to end up with no job, but ending up with a job I don't want is also something I don't want.  So where does this leave me?  I don't want to sign a contract that I don't understand but I don't want to end up with no job.  However I'm starting to think that I can't be bothered.  Maybe I don't understand how it works in China, but signing a contract I don't understand fully?  Weird!  Guessing here, but maybe in China my questions act as an affront to the one who made the contract?  However, earlier last month I was sent a contract which I didn't like and therefore refused.  The person who offered me the contract was puzzled why I refused the contract without asking any questions or negotiating!  She then tried to work out why I refused and change terms from her side!  So I'm confused.

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