Things are looking up

Well, today I had a chat with J.  Not the J known to D, but another J who was introduced to me by L.  J was working in the school subject of Job 2 (F).  He was a real nice guy and took his time to explain stuff to me and answer my questions.  This is looking like a possible.  I asked him loads of questions and also asked for book samples.  The interview was by phone, as my laptop was s l o w l y booting up.  When it finished booting, I noticed that I already had book samples. So I told him he need not bother.  I also told L that I had spoken to him.  Still nothing heard from the other J.  Makes me think if he can't be bothered, then neither can I.  However that J offered me the job up north, more out in the sticks.  I fancied that more until the delays.  So, still waiting.


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