10 am meeting!

Today I had my usual Friday meting with 'O'.  Earlier than usual, 10 am.  This was an excellent meeting.  'O' was so helpful. She checked  over some of  my contract and reassured me that the Chinese was much the same as the English.  She also found out all about Taigu Middle school or rather Taigu middle schools plural.  It appears that they are next to each other, back to back.  Public and private.  The one I have the contract with is the private one and it is actually a senior high school!  This was reassuring!  When I had originally spoken to 'D' and 'J', they had told me that I would be teaching equivalent of year 12 and 13.  When I read that the contract I had seen that it was for a middle school, so I thought that there was a misunderstanding and I would be teaching 12 and 13 year olds!   I had been worried about the contract not being what I accepted verbally.  Much clearer now!

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